Harvard Deusto Business Research

Harvard Deusto Business Research is an open access scientific journal that publishes theoretical and empirical articles. It aims to contribute towards advancing and expanding our understanding of business management phenomena from a range of perspectives, such as Strategic Management, Human Resources and Sales Management.  
We accept articles from a diverse of fields, including Sociology, Psychology, Economic Sciences and Organization, that contribute towards the scientific development of business management.  
The articles may take an exploratory or confirmatory methodological perspective, or they may consist of theoretical works that make a significant contribution to the construction or expansion of new theories. In other words, we publish papers that help to corroborate existing theories or establish new theoretical approaches. 
The articles are selected based on a peer review process applying the double-blind method. The journal is published online twice a year in an open access format. As such, we contribute toward the wider dissemination and the progress of scientific knowledge. The authors do NOT receive any payment at any time.   
The journal is currently in the last two stages of the evaluation process to be indexed on Scopus. We already feature on other key indexes including Latindex, Arastirmax,  Dimensiones, DOAJ, ERIH Plus, Índice Copérnico, and Paperity, among others

Visite the Hdbresearch website.