We make it safe

We are ready

We know that, to embark on a great journey, you have to be prepared. We know that the future always starts right now and only the best equipped professionals have the power to lead it. With this in mind, at EAE, we haven’t stopped working for an instant to ensure that everything keeps right on course. Our passion and spirit of collaboration have enabled us to continue all our activities safely and effectively over the last few months: welcoming new candidates, giving guidance through the Professional Careers Service and running Alumni initiatives. However, most importantly, we have been able to continue running classes on over 50 different programs that form our range of tuition options.

We are ready to welcome you back to our campuses and keep driving forward our professional projects face to face and in person.

We make it safe

Find out the measures we have taken


At EAE, we are ready. We have already resumed our in-person activities and the classrooms and facilities in Madrid and Barcelona are now open. Moreover, we are constantly reviewing all our protocols to ensure that we continue to benefit from a shared experience safely. The Management Team at EAE Business School is in constant contact with the health and education authorities to keep right up-to-date with the latest developments and any new measures that may be implemented

The measures that we have already implemented include the following:


Constant accompaniment for students

One of the biggest forces that drives us is the desire to serve the participants on our programs and ensure that they feel accompanied at all times. With this in mind, we are developing the following initiatives: 

Insurance company Oncampus

Moreover, we would like to remind you that EAE has a collective agreement in place with the insurance company Oncampus through which our students have access to private as well as private resources in Spain. This agreement provides the maximum guarantee of healthcare if required

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