This Master is taught completely in Spanish. For further information, please visit Máster en Dirección Comercial y Ventas
Do commercial models have an expiry date?
Markets evolve at a dizzying rate, driven by the emergence of new technologies and the increase in global supply and competition.
Companies and their professionals have to renew their competencies and skills constantly if they don’t want to be left behind, and not only with the aim of selling but also to generate the loyalty of customers with new needs and habits.
Within this context, the feeling of belonging and identifying with a brand have becoming key marketing tools.
The Master in Commercial and Sales Management is designed to train the commercial directors of the future, emphasizing aspects such as quality and the efficiency of organization and activities. By the end of the program, you will have acquired the knowledge and competencies required to increase the competitiveness of your organization and plan more durable, effective sales strategies.